Setting Up & Funding Phantom Wallet from a Coinbase Account

el Prof

June 6, 2024

Step 1: Download and Install Phantom Wallet

  • Go to the Phantom website ( and click on “Download”
  • Choose the appropriate version for your device (desktop or mobile)
  • Follow the installation instructions


Step 2: Create a New Wallet

  • Open Phantom and click on “Create a new wallet”
  • Choose a strong password and confirm it
  • Save your recovery phrase securely (do not share it with anyone!)


Step 3: Set Up Your Phantom Wallet (Optional)

  • Phantom doesn’t require setting a preferred currency or account information, unlike custodial wallets. You control your private keys and funds directly.


Step 4: Fund Your Phantom Wallet Using Coinbase

  • Purchase SOL on Coinbase: First, buy SOL on your Coinbase account.
  • Transfer SOL to Phantom:
    • Log in to your Coinbase account.
    • Click on “Send/Request” and select “Send”.
    • Choose SOL as the cryptocurrency to transfer.
    • Enter the amount you want to transfer.
    • Paste your Phantom wallet address (found in the Phantom app).
    • Confirm the transaction (be aware of gas fees).


Step 5: Verify the Transaction

  • Wait for the transaction to be processed (it may take a few minutes).
  • Check your Phantom wallet to confirm the SOL funds have arrived.


Important Notes:

  • Make sure to save your recovery phrase and password securely. Never share them with anyone.
  • Be aware of phishing scams and always verify the authenticity of transactions before sending cryptocurrency.
  • Phantom wallet is a non-custodial wallet, meaning you are responsible for your assets and private keys.

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