
  • the data warehaus for an individual person
  • a place for an individual centralize permissions for access and control to their personal data & other digital assets.
  • your digital twin identity container.

More Terms to Know:

CMS – Content Management System


  • a tool that lets you build websites or applications.
  • Only worth the effort if you have proper user analytics tracking in place, particularly if you are going to invest time or money driving traffic to the property.
  • Otherwise known as Shopify, WordPress, Wix, or some other low code building tool.

ERP – Enterprise Resource Planner


  • fancy name for accounting software
  • helps businesses plan and budget for future expenses, based on well maintained historical accounting records. 
  • similar to a data warehouse, but more niche.

PoS – Point of Sales


  • this is your sales platform
  • the point is to provide a digital payment portal that makes it familiarly, frictionless, and quick to get your business paid. And of course connect it back to what you sold & to whom.
  • the source of truth, literally.

CRM – Customer Relationship Manager


  • The center of your growth activities
  • Answering the questions: who are you talking to, why, and for how long have you been talking; have you made money with them before?
  • Accurately tracking relationships is the difference between knowing which customer segments are worth investing in, and which aren’t.

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